Thousands of adult educators will be employed in new training programmes.Social, economic and technological developments, together with increasing competition in the workplace, are putting the focus on education. Lifelong learning is therefore a necessity.
A need that comes to answer adult education.
Thanks to the new training programmes of the CIFA, thousands of jobs have opened up for adult educators.
By 2025, there will be a plethora of such programmes and the demand for adult educators is expected to increase.
In particular, the training programmes of the recovery fund are bringing 10,000 adult educators into the workforce immediately.
How does one become an adult educator?
At IANAP, you have the opportunity to become certified as an adult educator immediately!
The at a distance and an accelerated programme of a total duration of 150 hours aims to provide theoretical and practical training for people who are interested in get trained and to certified from the H.O.P.P.P.E.P. as Adult Educators but also to give you the opportunity to to catch up with the upcoming exams!
According to reliable sources, the examinations are expected to take place in the spring of 2024!
Take advantage now of the unique opportunity to be certified by the IANAP and participate in the E.O.P.P.E.P. exams!
Who is it for?
Where can they work?
The seminar addressed to to those who want want to get a job as an adult educator immediately and do not have the skills.In particular:
- Those who do not have the required educational experience (150 hours) with adults, for direct participation in the EOPPEP educational competency examinations.
- Candidate adult educators of all subjects who wish to train in the scientific field of adult education, in order to certify their educational competence and to teach their subject in non-formal education programmes.
- Certified and registered adult educators, who, by attending the course, will have the opportunity to update their knowledge on the latest developments and practices in adult education
- Executives of Lifelong Learning structures (IEK, Second Chance Schools, Lifelong Learning Centres, etc.).
Anyone can become an adult educator as for all subjects there is a demand for training of professionals.
An adult educator can work as a facilitator in:
- Second chance schools (SSEs)
- Lifelong Learning Centres (LLCs)
- Public or private Institutes of Vocational Education and Training (I.E.K.)
- In any other non-formal education structure
Become eligible to sit for the EOPPEP Certification exam!
At IANAP you prepare for your participation on a theoretical and practical level.
The programme includes:
- Adult learning theories
- Adult education techniques
- Designing a teaching unit
- Bank of issues
- Microteaching
Take advantage now of the unique opportunity and take part in the IANAP Adult Distance Learning Programme!