Adult Educator (EOPPEP)

Adult Educator (EOPPEP)

The “Employment Development Institute”, in cooperation with a public institution, organizes a 150-hour Adult Educators’ Training Seminar, which, on the one hand, is awarded to Lifelong Learning institutions, such as the Public IEK, Second Chance Schools, the Public IEK for Special Education, the Public Vocational Training Schools, etc, on the other hand, it leads directly to the procedure of the EOPPEP Educational Competence certification examinations for those who do not have the required teaching experience (150 hours) in adults (article 67 of Law 4386/2016).

  • The seminar leads directly to the EOPPEP examinations process, for those trainers who are included in the Introductory Register of Adult Trainers or in other Registers of Trainers (e.g. LAK), and do not have the required teaching experience in adults (150 hours).
    Therefore, according to a notice issued by the EEAEP, they are required to attend atraining of trainers programme, implemented by a public or wider public sector body, of at least 100 hours
  • The certificate of completion of the seminar is awarded by Public and Lifelong Learning Institutions

The programme is addressed to:

  • Those who do not have the required educational experience (150 hours) with adults, for direct participation in the EOPPEP educational competency examinations.
  • Candidate adult educators of all subjects who wish to train in the scientific field of adult education, in order to certify their educational competence and to teach their subject in non-formal education programmes.
  • Certified and registered adult educators, who, by attending the course, will have the opportunity to update their knowledge of the latest developments and practices in adult education
  • Executives of Lifelong Learning structures (IEK, Second Chance Schools, Lifelong Learning Centres, etc.).

Themes of the programme:

  • Introduction to adult education
  • Characteristics of adult learners
  • Adult education policy in Greece and Europe
  • Adult learning theories
  • Adult education techniques – Kick-off meeting on adult education
  • Critical reflection and transformative learning
  • Designing a teaching unit
  • Teaching to vulnerable groups – Intercultural competence
  • Educational tools and materials
  • Contact the team
  • Evaluation in adult education
  • Bank of issues

Attendance certification, which is graded in Lifelong Learning institutions and leads directly to the EOPPEP’s Educational Adequacy certification examination process


Διάρκεια: 150 hours
Παρακολούθηση: Asynchronous teletraining

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